Welcome to Safety Valve Installation
According to scientists, California has a 99% chance of having a 6.7 or larger earthquake at any time. Earthquakes are a force of nature that occur regularly in California and can take place any time whether you are at home, at work, or on vacation! Often, the major cause of damage from an earthquake is FIRE resulting from a ruptured gas line.
When an earthquake strikes, a homeowner’s understandable first reaction is about the safety of themselves and their families. It is a very unsettling experience, coming with no warning. It is unlikely that your first reaction would be to locate your gas meter and shut off the supply line, even if you have the proper tool at hand (ideally located at the meter). Have you ever tried to turn the valve off, know which direction to turn it, or is it even loose enough to do so?
What likely is the biggest financial investment you have ever made —your home itself —is at risk from explosion and or fire due to a gas line rupture, often to the extent that your home is literally reduced to ashes. It’s probable you will not have time to gather pets, family treasures, and irreplaceable mementos. Safety Valve Installation Inc. will help you take the first step in earthquake preparedness.
We don’t want to see your home to fall victim to fire from a gas line rupture like the one pictured above. A Gas Safety Shutoff Valve installed by Safety Valve Installation Inc (SVI) is a simple and economical solution to help prevent such disasters when your area is subjected to gas line integrity. We will install a Gas Safety Shutoff Valve which will be automatically activated by a significant earthquake, stopping the gas supply to your home. Please consider this opportunity to make the phone call and a minimal investment to help protect yourself from losing hundreds of thousands of dollars and a lifetime of treasured mementos.
For peace of mind contact us at 805-423-4731. For a SMALL cost you can have a LARGE amount of added security. Our company is Licensed, Bonded, and Insured.